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Andrew Keefe
Sep 20, 20241 min read
Time Travel, Trauma & The Therapy Time-Machine.
Here's a link to my latest article about how being triggered can feel like travelling back in time to the moment of a frightening...
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Andrew Keefe
Sep 10, 20241 min read
Reconnecting with your body after #Trauma: How #EMDR can help.
Here's a link to my latest article about how trauma, especially sexual trauma, can leave you feeling cut off from your body and how I use...
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Andrew Keefe
Sep 4, 20245 min read
What happens in a #Pilates for #BackPain & #Stress Session?
If you’ve been living with #ChronicLowerBackPain (CLBP) for some time and are thinking of joining my Pilates for Back Pain & Stress...
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Andrew Keefe
Apr 16, 20244 min read
Can weight lifting treat trauma? What does the research say? (Part I).
A fascinating recent study has looked at not only whether #weightlifting could be an effective treatment for #PTSD and #trauma more...
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Andrew Keefe
Mar 6, 20243 min read
#EMDR & #Chroniclowerbackpain: what the evidence says.
When people come to see me with #Chroniclowerbackpain, I offer a combination of #Pilates and #EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation &...
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Andrew Keefe
Feb 27, 20243 min read
Evidence for effectiveness of #Pilates in treatment of #Chroniclowerbackpain is growing....
I'm convinced that #Pilates is a powerful tool for treating and preventing #Chroniclowerbackpain (CLBP) because clients who come to my...
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Andrew Keefe
Oct 17, 20231 min read
Learning to live with #ADHD: where does #psychotherapy fit in?
Are you living with #ADHD? Here's a link to an article about how psychotherapy may be able to help: Learning to live with ADHD - where...
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Andrew Keefe
Sep 21, 20231 min read
#Pilates as a treatment for #Trauma?
Here's an article I've just had published on Welldoing exploring the potential role Pilates could play in the mind/body treatment of...
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Andrew Keefe
Mar 10, 20231 min read
Mindful #Pilates: Lower Back Pain, Stress & The Hip Flexors
Here's a link to my workshop on using Pilates to resolve the psychological causes of #chroniclowerbackpain, looking at how #stress and...
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Andrew Keefe
Jul 12, 20221 min read
Is it all in your Mind? #EMDR for treating #Chronicpain
A link to an article about how EMDR can help recovery from chronic pain: Is it all in your mind? EMDR therapy for treating chronic pa......
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Andrew Keefe
Jul 12, 20221 min read
How can Exercise & Psychotherapy help with Chronic Lower Back Pain?
A link to a recent article about Exercise, Psychotherapy & Chronic Lower Back Pain: How can exercise and therapy help with chronic lower...
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Andrew Keefe
Jul 12, 20221 min read
Rescue your scared Inner Child: Abuse, Trauma & EMDR
Here's a link to my latest article on how #EMDR can help if you a part of you still feels stuck in a frightening situation from years...
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Andrew Keefe
Feb 14, 20221 min read
Boxing for Trauma & Depression
Here's a link to my latest article on how boxing fitness can help relieve trauma, depression and anxiety: Boxing for trauma and...
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Andrew Keefe
Oct 14, 20211 min read
Calm Your #Anxiety with Exercise!
Here's a link to an article about the physical experience of anxiety and how movement, exercise and #fitness can help you feel calmer,...
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Andrew Keefe
Oct 14, 20211 min read
Chronic Lower Back Pain Recovery: Fitness & Therapy
Here's a link to an article about the links between #ChronicLowerBackPain and #Depression, #Anxiety and #Trauma: find out more about how...
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Andrew Keefe
Apr 26, 20211 min read
Fitness and Mental Health on a Podcast
Here's a link to me talking about fitness and mental health for a podcast on Radio Verulam....
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Andrew Keefe
Mar 20, 20204 min read
#Coronavirus: Coping with #Anxiety - Dance, Breathe, Switch-Off the News...
Everyone is feeling the pressure at the moment - here are some simple ideas to help you manage you anxiety over the weeks and months of...
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Andrew Keefe
Mar 16, 20201 min read
Secrets: "I've never told anyone this before...."
Here is a link to an article I have published on why we carry difficult secrets and what can happen when you tell the secret to a...
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